Welcome to Tryon Hounds

Welcome to Tryon Hounds from Will & Deni Films on Vimeo.

Video by Will and Deni McIntyre

This Week with Tryon Hounds

Our Social Committee has been hard at work, and is pleased to announce the following schedule of events for the 2024/2025 Season.

September 7 – First day of Cub Hunting
Setptember 7 - Opening Season Party at Thanksgiving Farm
October 6 – Fall Hunter Pace (RD October 13)
November 28 – Opening Hunt & Blessing of the Hounds
November 28 - Thanksgiving Pitchin at the Clubhouse
December 15 – Holiday Party & Gift Auction at Spiegel Farm
March 15 – Last day of Hunting
March 22 – Hunt Ball at The Piedmont Club
March 30  – Spring Hunter Pace (RD April 6)
April 19 - Spring Fling