News from the Board

At the 2024 Annual Meeting of Certificate Holders, the following slate of officers and directors were elected.

President Jeanne Ahrenholz
Vice President Jon Napper
Treasurer Tom Eizember
Secretary Alison Smith

Karl Alexander
Alex Goins
Piper Close
Susan Haldeman
Gisele O'Grady
Shanna Mauldin

Additionally, we said thank you to Jenny Taylor for her 3 years of service on the Board.

At the Board meeting immediately following the Annual Meeting, the Board unanimously voted to appoint Masters Bonnie Lingerfelt, Nelson Minnick and Jim Ritchie for the 2024-2025 season.

2024-2025 Schedule of Events

Our Social Committee has been hard at work, and is pleased to announce the following schedule of events for the 2024/2025 Season.

September 7 – First day of Cub Hunting
Setptember 7 - Opening Season Party at Thanksgiving Farm
October 6 – Fall Hunter Pace (RD October 13)
November 28 – Opening Hunt & Blessing of the Hounds
November 28 - Thanksgiving Pitchin at the Clubhouse
December 15 – Holiday Party & Gift Auction at Spiegel Farm
March 15 – Last day of Hunting
March 22 – Hunt Ball at The Piedmont Club
March 30  – Spring Hunter Pace (RD April 6)
April 19 - Spring Fling

Tryon Hounds Board of Directors' Report on Membership Survey


The Membership Committee conducted a survey of the Tryon Hounds’ current, past and prospective members in August of last year to gather insights and information on topics the Board identified as strategically important to the organization. The survey initiative was based on the tenet that membership-driven organizations are most successful when their members’ input is valued, and the leadership takes effective action to build on successes and address challenges. The survey established significant data and comment on those subjects and many others.

The Membership Committee prepared its formal report on the survey results to the Board in October. Due to Covid restrictions and scheduling challenges, the Board and the Masters were not able to meet until earlier this spring.  On March 28th, the Board and the Masters met for several hours to review the findings and identify action plans on several key topics including Membership Growth, The Foxhunting Experience, Membership Engagement and Social Events, and Financial Matters.  You may view the full report to the membership here.

The Board thanks the Membership Committee for its hard work to develop and produce the survey. We appreciate the members’ participation to voice their concerns and aspirations about their hunt and we look forward to improving the Tryon Hounds experience for all of our members, staff and volunteers. 

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Time to Schedule Your Hunt Breakfast!

The Tryon Hounds hunt schedule is set to be a big fun one - Click here to view available dates and schedule your breakfast!

  • Please limit your group to 4 couples (singles can pair up with a buddy to make a "couple".) The September dates are limited to 2 couples or two singles as they are simple to do.
  • The early September dates can be a light breakfast in the field after the hunt. These will start usually by 9-9:30 as the hounds don't stay out long in the cubbing season in the heat.
  • You may host your breakfast in the field after the hunt or at a location (home, farm, clubhouse  or other location) 
  • You may make the food yourselves or hire a caterer. There are probably other caterers  -  some of the regulars in the past are in alphabetical order tbelow.

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Tryon Hounds and Foothills Humane Society Announce Partnership to Rehome Retired Foxhounds

Tryon Hounds is proud to announce the formation of a new and unique partnership with Foothills Humane Society to work together on the important mission of rehoming retired hounds. (Please see our new website,

Through Tryon Hounds' Homeward Hounds training and socialization program, our retired hounds will be prepared for the transition from pack life to family life.  

As graduates of the Homeward Hounds program, our hounds will be offered for adoption through Foothills Humane Society. Look for them on the FHS website and during the popular Sunday Stroll feature of the FHS Facebook page.  

We are grateful for the opportunity to benefit from the experience and social reach of FHS for the management of the adoption process.  

Together we are working to find wonderful forever homes for these special animals. 

Please read the full joint press release here.
